
In a land flowing with milk and honey,
You still hear cries of no money.
When we are supposed to be feeding fat like lions,
We chew on tiny carrots like Bugs Bunny.
There is no electricity to cool off with,
Though outside its very sunny.
We deal with nasty coughs,
And our noses are runny.
Our health facilities are there
To offer no sorry.

Is this what you call the Promised Land?
Where a populace
As numerous as Lekki beaches sand
Have been unfairly placed
In our selfish leaders hands
I think its high time we took a stand
And pray for a turn-around
As swift as that of a witches wand.

- Sire Ajayi

Creative Commons License
Queer Moments by 'Femisire Ajayi is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at archieglaze.blogspot.com.


  1. Hello Sire Ajayi,
    In your blog I believe you are implying that you are in the promise land. Where are you at specifically, b/c I thought the promise land was Canaan by my studies. I am curious as to why you believe Nigeria or Lagos is actually part of Canaan the "Promised Land." Please explain...

  2. Hey Damon!
    Huz the giant of Africa? - Nigeria! In Nigeria, there have been a whole lot of sparks that could have resulted in war or stuff like that, but such has not been our case. So we tend to call it the 'promised land' 'cos we feel blessed.


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