What’s love got to do with it?

Howdy y’all?

I’ve got exams coming up, so that explains why I’ve been away for a while. It’s not easy when you have so much to do in such limited time.

Anyway, today I’ll be talking about ‘EX’es. Isn’t it funny how much life screws us all? Just when you feel you’ve found the one, you run into an Ex that would have been the one if not for your mistakes or how immature you were in that particular relationship. You start wishing you were taller, slimmer, in school, out of school, in a particular town or country, had more freedom or more money back when you were still dating that person. All of a sudden, your number one now starts looking like the second choice option on your JAMB registration form.

What’s even worse is when you meet an Ex you were really fond of back then in company of your current partner. It’s so not fair on the new person because you’ll be putting them in a very awkward position where they have to smile and act nice to someone they could stick a knife into just because of the way you are acting like a dog who’s owner just got back from a trip. I happen to have a number of former girlfriends and we always parted ways without anyone being hurt (topic for another day); So whenever I’m done acting like an ass when I meet any one of them, I put myself in the shoes of the new significant other person and give myself a mental slap. What’s suicidal is when you find out they have changed addresses and now stay on your street, or they go to the same church as you or they’ve been employed at your place of work and you are their immediate boss – Now, you’ve officially been CHOPPED and SCREWED!

Listening to ‘Daytime friends and night time lovers’ by Kenny Rogers..

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